
Client: ArtWorks: The Naomi Cohain Foundation

About this Project

At the age of 14, Naomi Cohain was diagnosed with late stage bone cancer and found herself spending more and more time in the hospital. Working closely with an art therapist, Naomi’s passion for the arts provided a vital emotional outlet and source of comfort throughout her illness. “Before Naomi passed away, one of the last things that she said was to promise her she would never be forgotten,” said Daniela Mendelsohn, Naomi’s cousin and founder of ArtWorks. “I founded ArtWorks, The Naomi Cohain Foundation, to not just keep her story and her memory and her spirit alive, but to provide children who are facing similar challenges in their own lives access to the creative and performing arts.”

ArtWorks is an amazing organization, and Root Media is honored to have helped share their mission. They came to us with a limited budget and unique filming constraints since much of their work takes place in hospitals. This required flexibility and creativity in filming, but we were able to utilize provided footage along with an abbreviated production schedule to meet their video needs and stay on budget.

Short Promo and Express Yourself Excerpts

ArtWorks hosts an annual fundraising event Express Yourself that celebrates all children and their artistic talents. After the success of our work together to create an overall promo, we were commissioned by ArtWorks to film their event and producecd a short promo as well as exceerpts of individual performers.